The American Medical Association (AMA) recently released many online tools that are aimed to help physicians through pending Medicare payment and delivery changes. This will improve their opportunity for success under the new program that will come into effect in 2017.
It is reported that the new online tools will help physicians in their preparation for the coming year. They will need to migrate to one of the many options to comply with the new quality payment program that is being implemented under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).
CMS allows some flexibility in the way physicians can move to the announced payment system and the AMA tools and support is aimed to help them predict the performance and understand the ways they can prepare better for MACRA reimbursements.
“MACRA represents the most significant change to Medicare’s physician payment system in a generation, and the AMA is working to help physicians navigate this change and make sure they are prepared for it,” said Andrew Gurman, MD, the professional association’s current president.
The AMA Payment Model Evaluator offers initial assessments to physicians that will help them find how MACRA will affect their practices. The tool will offer physicians and their staff education, as well as actionable and assessment resources. Physicians and medical practice administrators need to fill out the online questionnaire and after that, they will receive the necessary guidance for participating in the MACRA payment model suitable for them. For all the physicians and their practice administrators the tool is offered free.
AMA would also improve the collection of practice improvement strategies and offer new MACRA specific tools. The new Medicare payment system needs accurate and successful reporting on the quality metrics, both under MACRA’s new Quality Payment Programs and in current Physician Quality Reporting System program. Physicians and their practice staff can make use of the data to help improve practice efficiency and improve patient care, practice sustainability, and physician satisfaction.
It is reported that AMA will update the Payment Model Evaluator and other data continually to respond to the regulatory changes and to keep physician practices up to date throughout the care delivery and new payment reform process.