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Opioids Addiction And Abuse

This is an election year for America and the expectations of Congress passing legislations are high. But against the expectations, Congress is willing to pass a bill that addresses the increasing addiction to opioid products and their abuse.

In fact, this has become a serious issue in many parts of the country. Addiction to opioid products and its abuse has been a central concern in election in many of the Congressional races. This has offered the necessary motivation for Congress to address the issue with legislation.

The Senate passed the S.524 bill, namely the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA), which focuses on giving local and state governments the necessary resources to fight against heroin and prescription pain killer abuse and addiction. The act aims to achieve this by offer better funded prevention and treatment initiatives. Furthermore, the bill aims to put an end on the liabilities that are connected to the emergency administration of opioid overdose medication.

The bill also emphasizes on the need to have a mechanism to promote the lawful disposal of opioid drugs. This act also takes the necessary steps to offer the state and local governments to find and establish alternative treatment methods for people addicted to opioids.

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Control On Drug Abuse

The bill authorizes 80 million dollars to the Department of Justice (DOJ). This money is to be awarded for grants to the local and state governments. This grant is to be used to make new state and local opioid abuse programs through the existing DOJ grants and funding schemes as opposed to making new programs.

The House has passed 18 anti-opioid bills, showing their similar interest in the subject. The package that is passed by the House has the noteworthy H.R. 5046, which is the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Reduction Act (COARA), and is likely to bring amendments to CARA. COARA is currently the most visible counterpart of CARA, and calls to use 103 million dollars for the treatment and prevention programs.

Opioid prevention bills have got widespread acceptance and support from both the sides, but Democrats are Republicans are divided on the amount and the type of funding that the programs are to receive. Both the chambers are now trying to form a conference committee to settle the policy and funding issues.

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