
As the battle for good employees rages on, it is up to you to keep your employees happy. We’ve previously covered what millennials are looking for when it comes to winning employee loyalty, but are they really loyal? According to Gallup, only 51% of employees feel overall satisfied with their job and the main reason people leave is because of lack of recognition. Basic employee appreciation is too often overlooked by company leadership. Genuine recognition can come from different places and is an asset when it comes to good company culture. 

A company retreat is a fun moral booster and productive when approached the right way. The goal of the retreat can range from redefining the company’s mission, integrating new employees or even for general maintenance. With the 4D Global team split across the world, our yearly company retreat is one of our most anticipated events. It is our chance to bring all of the team together, especially the day and night shift, to show them our appreciation and give them the opportunity to mingle. It is a full day event filled with singing, dancing, team building activities, management speeches, and awards. We present Employee of the Year, Top Performer from both the data team and Voice team, and Employee Attendance award in front of the whole company. 

What you focus on within your culture is what will spread throughout the company. Consciously focusing on appreciation and recognition will spread through everyone on your staff. Robyn Stratton-Berkessel, a positivity strategist, has said “This is a big shift from the traditional view of organizational life where we are rewarded to focus first on mistakes and problems, while the strengths and best assets get taken for granted.” A simple handwritten thank you card for a job well done or a company wide feature are easy (and no-cost) ways to highlight your employees’ strengths. It should go without saying, but recognition needs to be 100% authentic or your high performers will see right through it and will have an adverse effect. 

The grass is not always greener on the other side, but the greenest where you water it. Invest in your employees and watch your business grow. Buy the office lunch when they have a good week, celebrate birthdays, go above and beyond for those who go above and beyond for your company every day. [/responsivevoice]

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