If you’re a business owner and you’ve read our other articles on tackling the minimum wage problem, then you are aware that hiring remote employees from other states and...
Your employees are there every day, supporting your dreams to build and maintain a successful business, primarily for your personal financial gain. It is up to you to also...
As time moves forward and as industries change the expectations from your customers change. For businesses to continue to stay ahead of their competition, they need to be able...
Innovation is a common buzzword when it comes to business and some of the best company’s in the world have become synonymous with it. These new products and services...
Let’s be honest here, while you’re focusing on all big picture items, your employees are on the front lines of your business. They see daily what’s working and identify...
Do you feel like your goals are the same year after year? There are obvious goals like growing your business, staying more organized, or anything that is health and...
Setting goals that directly affect yourself are easy. You know how you think and what you want to achieve. Setting goals that make your customers happy can be a...
You wouldn’t go somewhere new without a map, why would you start the new year without a personal road map? 2020 is uncharted territory and it’s time to make...
Every new year is symbolic of a new chapter for your business. Setting goals provides a written road map for where you want to be at this time next...
The end of the year is symbolic in so many different ways. When reflecting on the past 365 days, there is always so much growth, whether you realize it...
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”]The holiday season is cheerful and full of love. It can be equally stressful and overwhelming. Time seems to move faster than ever with the natural increase...
[responsivevoice] As the battle for good employees rages on, it is up to you to keep your employees happy. We’ve previously covered what millennials are looking for when it...
[responsivevoice]There comes a point in everyone’s journey where they turn inward and begin to focus on self-actualization, clarity, and finding meaning through their business. Whether you have created a...
The phrase “the customer is always right,” was popularized during the rise of retail. The philosophy is that customer complaints should be taken seriously and not allow them...
When thinking about an entrepreneur, what traits do you think of? Headstrong, confident, inspiring, among others. It is easy to put successful entrepreneurs up on a pedestal, but...
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a full-time employed person works an average of 8.5 hours a day. That is a significant amount of time to spend...
Networking (noun) def: the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Why does networking always get pushed to the...
The process of winning your customer does not end at closed-won. You have proven that your product solves their need, but what happens after that? The next hurdle is...
According to a survey from the Alternative Board, 49% of small business owners work 50+ hours a week. It is easy for your identity to become your business, but...
Chanie Gluck has launched and run two successful companies since 2002. She is passionate about mentoring other aspiring entrepreneurs and has created The Evolution Of An Entrepreneur for those...