[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”]The holiday season is cheerful and full of love. It can be equally stressful and overwhelming. Time seems to move faster than ever with the natural increase in family/social obligations, Q4 coming to a close, and the new year peering over the horizon. It is time to rise to the occasion and conquer the mountain of clashing personal and professional calendars, all while preparing your business for the new year. Time and energy may feel minimal, but we have the tips to do more than just survive the holiday season. 

Take A Step Back and appreciate the life that you have built. Day-to-day management can be a lot to handle, but think about where you were a year ago today. Reflect on what milestones your business or family has accomplished and celebrate those! As you think back on how you got to where you stand today, make a note of those who were there to lift you up along the way. Add them to your card list and express your gratitude for bringing extra value into your life. 

Allow Productive Breaks to keep you on track. Getting through the holiday season is a marathon, not a sprint, and you should treat your workday in the same manner. The Pomodoro Method is a time-management style that does just that. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work with no distractions during that time, then give yourself a 5 minute break when time is up. Repeat this process with a longer 20-30 minute break every 4 work blocks. You can break up larger tasks into more manageable portions, knock out many shorter tasks by being more focused, and use the breaks to give your brain the mental recharge it needs. Allowing yourself the time to let your brain wander will increase your productivity when it is time for work. 

Set mini goals and celebrate when you achieve them. When looking at the holidays and the fourth quarter as a whole, panic can quickly start to set in. Rather than succumbing to the anxiety, take things one day at a time. When you take knock out your to-do list give yourself a pat on the back before moving on to the next project. 

Avoid Unnecessary Meetings by utilizing your email. This can be internally or even with clients. It’s no secret that not all meetings are productive as they should be. If a meeting is absolutely necessary, set parameters so it does not turn into a Michael Scott meeting (for those of you who haven’t watched the office, you know what I mean). Only invite those who will benefit from the meeting, set an agenda, and give yourself an end time. Everyone will be scrounging to make the most of every single minute available to them. 

Ask For Help! You have an entire network of family, friends and employees who have your best interest at heart. Just because you can do something alone does not mean you should. Hire a local seasonal assistant, extend your hours with your babysitter, or even hire a virtual assistant. More hands on deck will help reduce the workload and put your energy on the big picture things your business needs and free up more time to spend on social obligations. 

There is no need to surrender to overwhelm during the holiday season. Buckle up because the holidays are here, are you ready?[/responsivevoice]

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