Medical billing is a critical component of healthcare revenue cycle management, and choosing the right outsourcing model can significantly impact your company’s efficiency and profitability. Typically, there are two...
Many times when I talk to business owners I get a level of discomfort with the concept of hiring workers overseas. This ranges from slight uneasiness to outright hostility....
4D Global is excited to announce that we have been ranked by Clutch as one of the top providers of business services in India. We have also been doing...
The revenue cycle management (RCM) industry is competitive and growing as hospital roll ups increase and insurers pay less. RCM companies are pushed to do more for their clients...
My first trip to India was over ten years ago. I owned a medical billing company and wanted to research the medical billing business process operations (BPO’s) in Chennai....
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released a statement recently, which stated that the one-year grace period for ICD-10-coded medical claims would conclude by October 1, 2016. The...
A recent report from the CMS Office of the Actuary (OACT) predicted that the overall expenditure in the health care sector would grow substantially in the upcoming years. The...
CMS recently awarded 516 provided in 47 US states and Puerto Rico to help cut down the risks for strokes and heart attacks for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. Health care...
Members of the Healthcare Billing and Management Association (HBMA) recently visited senior CMS staff and chief health policy makers in Congress. The meeting gave HBMA members a chance to...
It is observed that many people are buying insurance policies that do not meet the Affordable Care Act requirements. In the wake of that, the Obama Administration has decided...
ONC just let out a list of health IT products and developers, which includes EHR systems that have broken the requirements of health IT certification, like strong patient privacy...
There have been new developments in the hospital lawsuit against the “Two-Midnight” rule introduced by CMS in fiscal year 2014. The Federal agency correspondingly reduced inpatient payment rates by...
The new Medicare Payment system that was designed by Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) was reviewed by the Office Management and Budget (OMB). The review process will...
ACA has led to numerous changes in the healthcare industry, but its key agenda is to bring about a progressive reform in the healthcare sector. Lately, the Senate Finance...
The CMS recently put out a report on the main healthcare concern in the US, which happens to be aggregate annual spending. With the preceding five years of growth...